Sunday, January 27, 2013


In the opening scenes to, '2004: A Space Odysee', it theorizes a group of chimps, in a dinosaur bone yard.   Curiously, they start picking up these bones,  play with them, and soon discover its use as a weapon, to kill their prey, whether for hunger or survival, and since that day we are continually finding new ways to kill.  Nothing will stop that progression.  Let's say that all the privately owned assault weapons would disappear right now.  The progression would continue, and our politicians will make sure that it does, with help from strong and powerful lobbies like the NRA.  On Saturday, in Chicago, a 'STOP THE GUN VIOLENCE' rally was taking place, when two blocks away, two young teens were gunned down, with four more gun deaths added to that, that day.   Assasult weapons were not used.   The first recorded murder, is in The Bible, with Cain beating to death his brother Able.  Today these assault type weapons are in the possesion of these groups in the U.S.: The Military - Law Enforcement, and the private citizens who are of the Pro-Gun Lobby.  I recently read a facebook comment from a 13 yr. old, who supports the stocking of weapons to fight against the government, who wants to take them away from us, and I'm willing to bet the farm that he doesn't have a clue what that means.    This fear factor has been and always will be passed down by we parents, who are so very sucsessf(ail) in getting high marks in this area.   This type of invisible fear, will put a weapon into a person's hand, quicker that anything else.   I saw it happen many times over, in the 30 yrs. I spent in Law Enforcement.     When it comes time to use these stock piles, it will be against ourselves.  "Country will rise up against country, and nation upon nation'' (Revelations).  Look, if  you actually think that this DAY OF TYRANNY. of us against our own government, will happen, don't you think we ought to be stock piling tanks, planes, missles, etc.  Sounds foolish.  'E-X-A-C-T-L-Y'

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