Wednesday, May 22, 2013


When I hear words like; courageous, hero, self-sacrificing, I think of several things.  I think of a young teacher, named Jesus, who preached 2,000 yrs. ago, and laid down his life for his friends.  I think of our Military History, and the young men who laid down their lives, not for God and country, but for the one they were fighting beside, and it didn't make any difference, whether they were and are, Sailors, Airmen, Soldiers, they are still laying down their lives for their friends.  During his Gettysburg address, Pres. Lincoln spoke of such sacrificial love by saying that whether the soldiers were from the north or south;  ''......THAT THEY GAVE THEIR LAST FULL MEASURE OF DEVOTION''.   In my 66 yrs. I've [LEARNED] that when it comes to "Crunch Time", its been the
teachers, whether with degrees or not, who have the right stuff.
Those who've had and still have the greatest effect of my life are those who teach from life and/or a text book.  It was the teachers from Sandy Hook CT and Moore OK, who literally saved some many young lives, by becoming a human shield.  I truly believe that by doing this, those body counts would have been much higher.  By doing this, they went from familiar surroundings to the front lines, they went from teacher to soldier, and the only thing they could offer, were their lives.   I believe that the most devoted word you can use for a person is, [TEACHER].    The next time you look at a teacher,just give it a moment, and think that this person might be willing to lay down their lives for their friends.       For all those who teach, I thank GOD for blessing us with such dedicated people.