Sunday, January 27, 2013


In the opening scenes to, '2004: A Space Odysee', it theorizes a group of chimps, in a dinosaur bone yard.   Curiously, they start picking up these bones,  play with them, and soon discover its use as a weapon, to kill their prey, whether for hunger or survival, and since that day we are continually finding new ways to kill.  Nothing will stop that progression.  Let's say that all the privately owned assault weapons would disappear right now.  The progression would continue, and our politicians will make sure that it does, with help from strong and powerful lobbies like the NRA.  On Saturday, in Chicago, a 'STOP THE GUN VIOLENCE' rally was taking place, when two blocks away, two young teens were gunned down, with four more gun deaths added to that, that day.   Assasult weapons were not used.   The first recorded murder, is in The Bible, with Cain beating to death his brother Able.  Today these assault type weapons are in the possesion of these groups in the U.S.: The Military - Law Enforcement, and the private citizens who are of the Pro-Gun Lobby.  I recently read a facebook comment from a 13 yr. old, who supports the stocking of weapons to fight against the government, who wants to take them away from us, and I'm willing to bet the farm that he doesn't have a clue what that means.    This fear factor has been and always will be passed down by we parents, who are so very sucsessf(ail) in getting high marks in this area.   This type of invisible fear, will put a weapon into a person's hand, quicker that anything else.   I saw it happen many times over, in the 30 yrs. I spent in Law Enforcement.     When it comes time to use these stock piles, it will be against ourselves.  "Country will rise up against country, and nation upon nation'' (Revelations).  Look, if  you actually think that this DAY OF TYRANNY. of us against our own government, will happen, don't you think we ought to be stock piling tanks, planes, missles, etc.  Sounds foolish.  'E-X-A-C-T-L-Y'

Friday, January 25, 2013


As I explain this, don't be to quick to to cut and run, at least give yourself and I the respect that goes with this.  All I'm going to do is state the facts and the truth, that can be easily checked, and may I say again, just the facts and the truth.  Want to know who's going to take away our right to have firearms,  to speak and worship, freely?  Like Doonesbury said, 'WE HAVE MET THE ENEMY AND THEY IS US'.  We are going to give them away/allow them to be taken away.  We will have a 31/2 year period of time, where the world will be at total peace, and prosperity will swept over us, like a tsunami of sucsess, with no unemployment, and bustin' at the seams bank accounts and investments.  The crime rate will disappear, prisons will be empty, and we will want for nothing, because our government will control this all, and no one will complain, with all this prosperity abounding.  Gun shops will fall by the way side, because mass shootings will end, with the military and law enforcement being de-clawed, because there services will be deminished.  Stay with me on this for just a few more moments.  First of all, all of this will happen.  IT WILL HAPPEN.  Oh yes, and now for the vinegar.  The 31/2 years after this will be hell on earth, and when this happens, we would have  already happily relinqueshed ALL of our Constitutional Rights.  We will be waring with other nations, and ourselves.  ALL OF THIS WILL HAPPEN.  There are hundreds of millions of people in this world, right now, who have knowledge of all of this, and they think that because of whatever they think their faith is based on ( and that is all faiths), which includes doing alot of good stuff, gives them a ['LOCK CINCH'] on any of this bad stuff happening to them, not realizing that they allowed their faith to be swept away, during the first 31/2 years.  It doesn't make any difference to me whether or not you believe in GOD and HIS scriptures, ......BUT....remember this; The entire Bible is built on Obedience and Truth, remember this as you read the Book of Revelations. Don't see the Bible as a Holy Book, then see it as a series of warnings and promises, that will be kept. The first time I read it, it scared me, but not any more.  ['IF'] you do read this, yeah right, just like you read the Constitution, and  before you flick this off, ask yourself one question, ''What if this does happen"?  Doomsday prepping won't save you.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


I served 30yrs. in Law Enforcement, and am now retired, and with that being said, here's where I'm coming from.  The idea of arming school personel is a 'SUICIDE/DEATH' WISH.  You can teach anyone/any age on how to use a fire arm, that's the easy part.  It's the when and how, along with the coordination of effort, or the lack thereof, that gets to the '...'WISH' part.   Columbine had two armed Police Offficers assigned to the school.  One of the first things those shooters did, was to attack the ones with the guns.   The armed school personel are taught to shoot, at a range, with carefully guided instruction, in a NON-THREATENING enviroment.    These same people  will also need TACTICAL TRAINING.   The past school shooters used weapons that can kill at 500 yds.  The 9mm hand gun has an effective range of 25 yds. the math.  The same armed school personel, will  not only have to return fire, but will either have to advance/hold their ground, during the school evacuation.  While all this (or something close to it) is going on, Police, Fire, EMT's, etc., will be responding.  Without a COORDINATED TATICAL PLAN, between them and the armed school personel, then you can count on the body count going up, due to victims of friendly fire.     Imagine this;  these Emergency Services Units, need to enter the school, and knowing you have two groups of people firing their weapons, along with the screams and crys for help.  Firearms going off inside a building, under those conditions, sound like bombs going off, and not knowing from whom, and their locations.    These kind of school shooters want to and are ready to die.  If they know that any school personel are armed, or their may be a Police presence of 1/2 Officers, they will attack in groups of 2/3 in a strategic manner.  They already have and will, and they will stand their ground as THEY ADVANCE AND FIRE, room by room, person by person  and at anything that moves.  The NRA originally endorsed armed personel in the schools, so then the NRA should fund it, ALL OF IT, and continue to do so, along with recruiting/hiring/training, and another endorsement from the NRA, is that of MENTAL HEALTH.  Good.  The NRA can MENTALLY SCREEN all their applicants.  What you have now, are school personel, who one day are parents/grandparents and are school teachers, and literally, the next day will have to step over the bodies of other teachers/students, return fire and shoot to kill.  And lastly, those armed school personel, what/how much extra ammo, can you carry with you, during any given school day?