Wednesday, May 21, 2014


The only True Patriots are the Veterans. We put ourselves in harms way, and because of that we wind up seriously injured or killed. We know going in that there are elements in this world, who are at work in destroying our way of life and they plan on doing this by either killing us, or making slaves out of us, and all we ask is that when we come home, that Washington remembers these sacrifices that were made when it comes to our medical needs. WHY IS THIS SUCH A HARD THING TO DO? We come home in need of mental as well as physical treatments. WHY IS THIS SUCH A HARD THING TO DO? We hear of the VA being grossly under staffed, so who is responsible for these job cuts. The credibility with this current Administration is zero to none, because we believe that the people who caused this to happen, are the same people trying to fix it. WHY IS THIS SUCH A HARD THING TO DO? At one time I belonged to the VA system, and it was like being on Elm St. with Freddy Kruger. I went to see a VA Dr. about my chronic migraines. I was new to this, and he was my first appt. about my migraines. I was in his office for 5 min. while he read my medical record, and after 5 min., he called me a "Drug Addict", and then ask to me to read this magazine article on migraines, and while I was in the system, I would talk to other VETS, and what they said were horror stories. WHY IS THIS SUCH A HARD THING TO DO? We are treated extremely well by private citizens and the private business sector, like Wal-Mart, who recently hired 35,000 VETS. As for our government, we feel as if we belong to the 4F Club. (F)ind them, (F)eel them, (F)____them, and (F)orget them.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


                                       This is a line from the movie, ''Sahara''.

In this movie you have the director of a waste treatment plant, who hooks up with an African
     War Lord, to dump the waste in a river, and split the difference....However.....African
people who live near  this plant were dying from this dumped waste, and when the director talked
     to this War Lord about being found out by this, the War Lord said "This is Africa...Nobody
cares what goes on in Africa".    Africa is being plagued with HIV and the Ebola viruses, and
     now, in Nigeria, are being plagued with the taking of its female children,  from a school.

During my Law Enforcement career, I handled cases that involved people from Africa, especially
   Nigerians.   The Nigerians I worked with, were mostly so caring about their children, and the
family structure.  So you tell me, WHY SHOULDN'T THEY BE.  Because their black, and came
   directly from Africa, and speak with an accent.  Just for the record, I'm white.  The U.S. used
to be called, "The Land Of  Plenty".   Yes, there are many of us who make personal contributions to 
   help many of the charities who work there, and that should continue, many times over.

The Nigerian government is complacent, fat, and corrupt.  All of  us who have the heart of a parent
   should support those who have the heart of a parent in Nigeria, should contact them, by whatever
means possible, just to let them know that they're in our thoughts and prayers...BUT...
    contributions to this area should be done through well established charities.  I'll tell you this;
That contact you make will give them hope, in knowing that someone truely cares, and that they're
    not in this alone.  I have a saying, "In climbing the ladder of life, the first rung going up is Hope,
and it's the last rung going down".


Friday, May 2, 2014

Fighting Cancer

                                               TO GIVE UP REQUIRES NO COMMITMENT...
You can stay in the comfort of your own lifestyle.  Fighting means a complete change of lifestyle, absolutely
     leaving your comfort zone.  There will be doctors doing things that you might not like.  There will be
 lots of work for you to do.  There might even be some pain or suffering, and certainly lots of new and
     unexpected experiences.

 You must decide that the end is worth the means because we are the only ones who can do this.
There is no half way.  It's all the way.  But when its all said and done, no matter what the results are,
      and in talking to cancer patients, I've never met anyone who felt it was not the best way.
Go for it with no second thoughts or regrets.

 And I don't ever forget that part of this fight, are those who motivate me to push on, and it's three
     dynamic women, who have chemo three times a week.  They're Ms. Mary, Ms. Margie, and
 Ms. Lady, who are in their late 70's to early 80's, and have, between them, 6 tumors, and they
     have placed this this quiet resolve within me.

They've been in this fight longer than I have, so I am the student looking to these teachers of life in
     knowing of their fight, and they are doing this all in grand style, like the true ladies that they are.    

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


When I hear words like; courageous, hero, self-sacrificing, I think of several things.  I think of a young teacher, named Jesus, who preached 2,000 yrs. ago, and laid down his life for his friends.  I think of our Military History, and the young men who laid down their lives, not for God and country, but for the one they were fighting beside, and it didn't make any difference, whether they were and are, Sailors, Airmen, Soldiers, they are still laying down their lives for their friends.  During his Gettysburg address, Pres. Lincoln spoke of such sacrificial love by saying that whether the soldiers were from the north or south;  ''......THAT THEY GAVE THEIR LAST FULL MEASURE OF DEVOTION''.   In my 66 yrs. I've [LEARNED] that when it comes to "Crunch Time", its been the
teachers, whether with degrees or not, who have the right stuff.
Those who've had and still have the greatest effect of my life are those who teach from life and/or a text book.  It was the teachers from Sandy Hook CT and Moore OK, who literally saved some many young lives, by becoming a human shield.  I truly believe that by doing this, those body counts would have been much higher.  By doing this, they went from familiar surroundings to the front lines, they went from teacher to soldier, and the only thing they could offer, were their lives.   I believe that the most devoted word you can use for a person is, [TEACHER].    The next time you look at a teacher,just give it a moment, and think that this person might be willing to lay down their lives for their friends.       For all those who teach, I thank GOD for blessing us with such dedicated people.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


......WHY...... Start with Boston and go back to Cain & Abel, and the answer has always been there.  Just about all of us either worship thye God of The Bible - Koran - Torah, or a God of some other name, but it's been my experience, in life, that no matter what our faith is based on, or even none at all, most of us believe that in this world, the good guys out number the bad guys, and if we just do good things, it will somehow insulate us from the bad guys/stuff.   There's a majority in this world, who believe that as long as the good stuff in their religious beliefs are followed - OR - as long as they are stellar parents, workers, contributors ( good stuff ) are followed, then, SOMEHOW, the bad stuff/guys will go somewhere else, because, ''THOSE THINGS JUST DON'T HAPPEN HERE''.  There is ONE in this world, who has been here, just as long as God, and is the answer to the the age old question.  His name, among others is SATAN.    If our good stuff, either giving/receiving comes from our spiritual beliefs, - OR - just leading the good stuff/guy life, then where does all the bad "EVIL" stuff come from.   The people of the U.S., if not the world, have absolutely no concept of "EVIL".  NONE AT ALL.  I was there on 9/11, right across the street from ground zero.  But let's go back one year from that date, to the first morning I went to work at one of our clients, Leahman Bros..  I was walking down Vesey St., when I looked up, and there they were, and said something like a prayer;  "GOD, the minds you created to build these, are the same minds to bring them down".  I knew then that only evil minds can do this, and they did.   EVIL doesn't desciminate to color, age, ethnicity, level of living, rich, poor, illiterate, genious, and yet instead of excepting this, since day one answer, we've wasted millennias, looking for the LOGIC of it all, and it's always in times of adversity.  Ever hear someone say, WHY, after hitting the power ball.  And yet, as defined, EVIL does not fit what EVIL has done, all this time.   Satan is never mentioned.  If you ignore his existence, and the acts that he's been responsible for, since Cain murdered Abel, then LET 'WHY' BE YOUR EPITAPGH.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


There was a time when the someone commited a crime and was caught, they made their admission of guilt and served their time.   If you want to know why our children are falling away, and we americans are not standing firm with boldness and courage, and have become judicial whimps and wusses, here's a good place to start.        Maureen O'Connor, former Mayor of San Diego, became the latest billion dollar donor to the Los Vegas Gambling Fund.   She won that much, but her loses exceeded that.  So instead of an admission and prison time, she blamed it on a split personality, due to a brain tumor, which to me makes sense, because one personality won, and the other personality lost, but of course that's not what she meant.  She saying that the tumor made me do it, not that pride, greed, lust, envy, anger, gluttony and sloth  had anything to do with it.  Her tears flowed, looking dejected and depressed, hobbled around on a cane looking humble and weak, and the reason for all of this, is quite simple; I (MAUREEN), GOT CAUGHT.     And now we have Jesse Jackson Jr, who was caught donating to his favorite charity, himself, and the prelude to this, was nothing short of a hollywood movie.  We had your alleged:  nervous break downs, bi-polar disorder, counseling and when seen on TV, he took a page or two out of the Maureen O'Connor book, which means very simply I (JESSE), GOT CAUGHT.   The consequences of all this, not just from them, but from so many others who play this 'COWARDS GAME', will fall on the shoulders of our children, who are getting a great education that when they're in a criminal justice situation, that the main part of their defense, will be to explain why they were caught and are guilty.  Whether you're a pauper or a prince, and everything in between, there's one thing for sure, that we do so very expertly and with pride,  and that is we will do anything not to accept full responsibilty of our actions.  Remember that when your phone rings at 3 am, and it's the Police.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


In the opening scenes to, '2004: A Space Odysee', it theorizes a group of chimps, in a dinosaur bone yard.   Curiously, they start picking up these bones,  play with them, and soon discover its use as a weapon, to kill their prey, whether for hunger or survival, and since that day we are continually finding new ways to kill.  Nothing will stop that progression.  Let's say that all the privately owned assault weapons would disappear right now.  The progression would continue, and our politicians will make sure that it does, with help from strong and powerful lobbies like the NRA.  On Saturday, in Chicago, a 'STOP THE GUN VIOLENCE' rally was taking place, when two blocks away, two young teens were gunned down, with four more gun deaths added to that, that day.   Assasult weapons were not used.   The first recorded murder, is in The Bible, with Cain beating to death his brother Able.  Today these assault type weapons are in the possesion of these groups in the U.S.: The Military - Law Enforcement, and the private citizens who are of the Pro-Gun Lobby.  I recently read a facebook comment from a 13 yr. old, who supports the stocking of weapons to fight against the government, who wants to take them away from us, and I'm willing to bet the farm that he doesn't have a clue what that means.    This fear factor has been and always will be passed down by we parents, who are so very sucsessf(ail) in getting high marks in this area.   This type of invisible fear, will put a weapon into a person's hand, quicker that anything else.   I saw it happen many times over, in the 30 yrs. I spent in Law Enforcement.     When it comes time to use these stock piles, it will be against ourselves.  "Country will rise up against country, and nation upon nation'' (Revelations).  Look, if  you actually think that this DAY OF TYRANNY. of us against our own government, will happen, don't you think we ought to be stock piling tanks, planes, missles, etc.  Sounds foolish.  'E-X-A-C-T-L-Y'